Introduction to Volume 4:1 (March 2012)
Exopolitics Tools and Methods for Extraterrestrial Contact
The launch of the fourth edition of the Exopolitics Journal comes at an exciting time for all those interested in the possibility of extraterrestrial life. NASA’s Kepler Mission has continued announcements of discoveries of exoplanets in habitable regions of distant solar system has helped rapidly transform the scientific community from outright skepticism over the possibility of extraterrestrial life, to opposite position of almost complete certainty that such life exists. Scientific conferences in London and Rome organized by the Royal Academy (January 2010) and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (Nov 2009) had scientists openly discussing the social and political implications of extraterrestrial life. The world’s leading astrophysicist, Prof Stephen Hawking, has openly been speculating over the possible motivations of advanced extraterrestrial life, and how this should be seriously considered by NASA and other space programs for national security reasons. The time has never been better to actively begin mapping out the conceptual contours and implications of what contact with advanced intelligent life from other solar systems will be like. That is equally the case for those interested for the first time in possible contact with extraterrestrial life in the immediate years ahead, and for those having researched claims of extraterrestrial contact cases since the advent of the Atomic Age in 1945.
The first article in this edition by retired Canadian Air Force Captain, D.J. Ballinger analyses the field of exopolitics, and describes its relevance for the scientific community. Ballinger conducts an exhaustive review of the exopolitics field and how it can contribute to better understanding the complexity and comprehensive nature of the available evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. He writes that exopolitics: “covers the spectrum of social and physical sciences entrenched in the global concept of human security, including national, political, economic, environmental, and health security.” Critically, he challenges the scholarly community to begin giving serious attention to the question of extraterrestrial life, and especially begin addressing its social and political implications: “exopolitics should be established as a viable and valuable field of study by academia in higher learning institutions, and by social and physical scientists in the public and private sectors.”
Sixto Paz Wells travels the world speaking at Mision Rahma events |
The second article by Giovani Piacenza claims that “due to sui generis, messianic-like cosmologies and lack of publicly acknowledged evidence, contactee cases tend not to be credible to the scientific community, even while suggesting that direct interaction with extraterrestrial beings or with beings from other reality systems may sometimes actually occur.” Piacenza analyzes two case studies of claimed extraterrestrial contact. The first, involves multiple claims of extraterrestrial contact beginning in 1975 with the famous Peru UFO sightings by Sixto Paz Wells and his companions. One of his companions was Piacenza who is well placed to give a scholarly analysis of the organizations that evolved out of the 1975 contact claims. The second case Piacenza examines involves the Unarius Society and the organization that evolved from the various forms of extraterrestrial contact. Piacenza introduces Ken Wilber’s “Integral Methodological Pluralism” as the conceptual framework for objectively examining these two cases. In doing so, he uses the “‘criteria of ‘truth’, ‘truthfulness’, ‘justness’ and ‘fit’ associated with methodological ‘zones’ that integrally relate” to the cases studies in determining their relevance for assessing claims and evidence of extraterrestrial contact.
Dana Rasinova is the author of the third article which gives an insider’s account of the famous Billy Meier case which she has been intimately involved with since 1997. According to David Griffin, who gives a brief editorial introduction:
Whilst some see aspects of the alien Other as containing an inherent ‘trickster’ element many others see the visiting ET presence as representing a higher form of intelligence and assume that this implies they are beyond reproach in their ethics and operation. In fact the situation is far more complex and this is why this particular examination of a highly complex Swiss contact case is long overdue and welcome.
Rasinova takes a novel approach in her analysis. She accepts the validity of Meier’s core claims of extraterrestrial contact, and goes on to examine the motivations of the Pleiadian/Plejaran entities that communicated with Meier. She finds numerous inconsistencies, contradictions and distortions fed to Meier by his extraterrestrial contacts that lead to her conclusion that “the Pleiadians (Plejarans/Plejaren) … deliberately don’t tell us the truth.” Rather than benevolent space brothers wanting to help humanity with a positive uplifting philosophy, she finds instead very troubling assertions they made to Meier, and which he faithfully passed on in his contactee notes. What emerges in Rasinova’s analysis is that while some extraterrestrials may look very human and have a positive philosophy to pass on in their communications with human contactees, they still may have a very deceptive agenda where “they explicitly and strategically lie, feign or disinform.” Rasinova’s analysis warns us about being too uncritical in our future or current dealings with extraterrestrials that may have a positive appearance and things to say, but have a deceptive agenda filled with distortions, and outright lies.
I authored the fourth article, "How Celestials are helping humanity prepare for Extraterrestrial Contact and World Peace,” which I gave as a prepared speech to a conference in Istanbul, Turkey held on November 1, 2011, concerning advanced extraterrestrial life and celestials. I describe “celestials” as highly evolved beings that can move through space and time using their consciousness alone, rather than technology as is the case for advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. Using the Nikolai Kardarshev typology developed for extraterestrial civilizations capable of using energy at different macro levels (Type 1 – planetary, Type II – stellar, and Type III - galactic) I define celestials as a Type IV civilization that can tap into a universal energy source.
Celestials are best described as a universal fraternity where ability to tap
into universal energy define one’s identity and allegiance, rather than space-time
location as with lesser evolved civilizations (Type 0-III). I consequently
analyze the role and activities of celestials in helping prepare humanity
for open contact with extraterrestrials, and the advanced technologies that
will become available after contact. Finally, I describe different case studies
involving claims of contact with advanced extraterrestrial visitors and how
celestials interacted with both the human contactees and the extraterrestrial
The final article involves a very different case of extraterrestrial contact – crop circles. The crop circle phenomenon is something that has intrigued some of the world’s best scientists and led to numerous investigations. Wendy Flentri studies some of the crop circle literature and investigations in relation to 2012. She concludes that many crop circles are a product of extraterrestrial intervention and designed to relay information about 2012 and Solar Cylce 24. She explains that the messages in crop circles created by extraterrestrials: “speak to us in a universal language of mathematics, symbols and pictures.” The information in them correlates “with what researchers have been able to discover about what the Maya knew, the pyramid builders at Giza knew and what many primitive peoples have been telling us all along. That end of Solar Cycle 24 one age will end and another will begin.”
The year 2012, according to interpretations of the Mayan Calendar, is the fulcrum of thousands of years of human evolution. To others closely following Solar Cycle 24, the years 2012/13 are predicted to be watershed years with the coming solar maximum creating many life changing situations. For many more, 2012 is witnessing rapid changes in communication technologies helping overcome national boundaries, bringing our planet closer together, and uniting humanity in unprecedented ways. Looming over all these upcoming changes is the prospect of open contact with extraterrestrial life, and/or official acknowledgement that governments have kept the truth from us about off-world visitors. This edition of the Exopolitics Journal will be welcome preparation for all interested in learning more about extraterrestrial life, and how the field of exopolitics offers some critical tools and methods for extraterrestrial contact.
The March 2012 edition of the Exopolitics Journal is now available for free online at:
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Chief Editor, Exopolitics Journal